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Austin Attorney Peter C. Ruggero Honored By Texas Bar Foundation

December 19, 2023



Mr. Peter C. Ruggero with Ruggero Law Firm PC has been elected to membership in the Fellows of the Texas Bar Foundation. Fellows of the Foundation are selected for their outstanding professional achievements and their demonstrated commitment to the improvement of the justice system throughout the state of Texas. Election is a mark of distinction and recognition of Mr. Ruggero’s contributions to the legal profession.

Selection as a Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation is restricted to members of the State Bar of Texas. Each year one-third of one percent of Texas attorneys are invited to become Fellows. Once nominees are selected, they must be elected by the Texas Bar Foundation Board of Trustees. Membership has grown from an initial 255 Charter Members in 1965 to more than 10,000 Fellows throughout Texas today.

The Texas Bar Foundation is the largest charitably funded bar foundation in the country. Founded in 1965 by lawyers determined to assist the public and improve the profession of law, the Texas Bar Foundation has maintained its mission of using the financial contributions of its membership to build a strong justice system for all Texans. To date, the Texas Bar Foundation has distributed more than $26 million throughout Texas to assist nonprofit organizations with a wide range of justice-related programs and services. For more information, contact the Texas Bar Foundation at www.txbf.org.

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Suite 200
Austin, TX 78701
Tel: 512.473.8676
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Email : peter@ruggerolaw.com
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The firm serves its clients by listening to and understanding their needs and then providing appropriate advice and representation. In addition to general civil litigation and business law, the firm focuses on collections, bankruptcy and commercial litigation.